Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Sweet Child of Mine

My 2 1/2 year old has become quite the expert at fake crying. If he doesn't get his way with something, he bursts out in loud boohooing that produces no tears from him nor sympathy from his parents. However, when the real thing does happen, I can't help but feel badly.

Tuesday we spent the day at my sister's and brother-in-law's house. Mateo loves going there to play, and of course, did not want to leave. So when Uncle B said he was going to ride with us (he needed a ride to pick up his car at a service shop), Mateo was very excited. He asked Uncle B if he was going to come home with us and play kitchen with him (a play kitchen set found recently at a garage sale).

The ride to the service shop didn't take very long and when Uncle B got out of the car, Mateo started to cry, the real kind with big tears rolling down his chubby, little cheeks. This has happened before when people leave our house after visiting. He was so sad. I couldn't comfort him physically because I was driving, but I told him that some friends were coming over to play in the morning, and we would have another fun day. This cheered him up, and he stopped crying as he pondered the new adventures. Soon the car was quiet because he fell asleep before we got out of town.

I thought about how sad I had felt because he was sad and that I was glad I could tell him something to make him feel a little better. I'm not looking forward to when he gets older and comforting him won't be so simple or easy. For now, I will keep these tender moments close and appreciate the fact that most toddlers' problems can be soothed with a few words and a nap!

Something I learned today: If you let your toddler sit on your lap wearing just a towel after his bath, you might get peed on.

Monday, June 16, 2008

School's out for Summer

So here I am. It's June 16. Almost two weeks since I last blogged. My posts are getting closer together, right? I'm into looking on the bright side of things. Like when I stated in my last post that I locked my keys in my car...on the bright side, it wasn't raining when we stood in the parking lot for an hour and a half waiting.

It's Monday morning. The sun is shining, which has been a rarity the last few weeks, and my boys are still sleeping. Mornings may be a good time to blog! At least for the summer. Or until my body realizes that I don't have to get up at 7:30, and soon I'll be sleeping in again.

My summer vacation has officially started! Summer school was over on Friday, and I also finished all of my continuing ed. classes, so I can move on to other things to cross off my summer "to-do" list. Usually it involves fun things like cleaning closets, water proofing the deck, and other really entertaining chores.

I also want to make note of a milestone that happened this spring. I completed my tenth year of teaching! A whole decade--that kind of makes me feel old. It's hard to believe it's been ten years and that nine of those ten years have been spent teaching seventh graders! Who would have predicted? Certainly not me. But in ten years the most important things I've learned are that a) aside from June, July, and August, the best part of teaching is actually teaching b) patience can be taught -- to me, not the students c) those rowdy little seventh graders really grow on a person. Ten years of lessons and learning have flown by, and the more I learn about teaching, the more I realize I still have plenty of learning to do.

btw - Cookie update: Upon further tasting examination of applesauce cookies, those puppies stayed moist for a whole week left out with just some tin foil covering the pan. Oh, and good news, the next morning the applesauce flavor had subsided.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Excuses, Excuses

Now that it's summer (officially for me because school is over --except for the two weeks of summer school I'm teaching) I told myself that I would hopefully be able to blog more often. No one likes a lazy blogger. So not only is the challenge to get something posted, but also finding a topic. I could blog about the day last week when in one day my car's battery was dead before I went to work, and later that day, after having the battery replaced, I locked my keys in my car at Walmart. I could blog about that, but I won't since my second posting was about me leaving the lights on in my car. Since I only have four posts, including this one, another misadventure involving cars, keys, and batteries may make a reader wonder about the author's frame of mind when driving.

Maybe later this summer I will be able to blog while my chatty little offspring naps, but currently each nap so far is being utilized in trying to work on some continuing ed. credits I want to finish as soon as possible. Once chatty little offspring awakens, I close the laptop unless I want company and little fingers pressing any and all buttons he can while asking to watch movies or play games on the computer. When hubby returns from work, we have supper and hubby works on homework which usually entails him needing the computer. Another challenge in using the computer is that CLO has a very late bedtime, so usually by the time he falls asleep I'm either sleeping as well or heading in that direction.

So for anyone who has been keeping an eye on my blog and wondering where my posts are, I hope to be more diligent this summer and write about topics that are somewhat of interest. I can't promise, but I'll try.

Oh yeah--something I learned today. If you substitute applesauce for Crisco in a chocolate chip cookie recipe, you will have a somewhat healther cookie but one that tastes a lot like applesauce.