Wednesday, February 18, 2009

February Happenings

I hate it when a whole month goes by and I haven't blogged. Right now it's mostly due to the time factor, but it can also be blamed on trying to figure out what to blog about. So I'll just fill in with a few things happening around here.
-Mom and Dad are in Arizona enjoying their winter vacation in the sun. Which reminds me I need to call my mom tomorrow for her birthday.
-I've heard through the grapevine that while Mom and Dad have been gone, Isak hit a deer and ran over the dog, Sammy. Unfortunately, Sammy was not destined for a long life because he developed a very bad habit of running in front of cars as they left the driveway. So his untimely death was not a surprise but a bummer none-the-less. Poor Isak. Poor Sammy.
-I spent Valentine's Day working my tail off at a speech meet.
-Mateo managed to make a $5 bill vanish in a matter of seconds. I let him open a valentine card from a great grandma and in the time I parked the car, brought my bags into the entryway of the house and came back for him, he had somehow tucked the bill into the window/door. At least that's what he told me, and for the life of me, I have no idea where that money went!
-We are at third quarter mid-quarter already. Three-and-a-half months left.
-Troy is half-way through his student teaching.
-The weather was actually warm enough to take Mateo outside and play in the snow for a little while the other day. I had to laugh when he stuck his butt out at me and told me to throw a snowball at his bumper.
-I am excited about the chance to go on a second honeymoon this summer (which will be more like a first honeymoon considering that our "honeymoon" consisted of staying in a Motel 6 for three weeks while Troy did his radio internship in Chicago--we did a little sightseeing too). It will be our tenth anniversary. We still need to decide what we are going to do. I'm hoping to upgrade a little.
-On the short list of exciting things: Top Chef finale tonight. Stefan makes me laugh. He may be cocky, but he says the funniest things in his cockiness. I would be happy if Stefan, Fabio, or Carla won. Hosea doesn't do a whole lot for me. The suspense is killing me! No, not really. But it's always fun to see who ends up with the title.