Sunday, April 19, 2009

An odd conversation

My February blog stated that my brother accidentally hit his dog Sammy, and sadly Sammy died. Last week, my brother got a new puppy. Here is the conversation Mateo and I had on the way to grandma and grandpa's yesterday:

Me: Mateo, you are going to get to see Isak's new puppy!
Mateo: Why did Isak drive over Sammy?
Me: It was an accident.
Mateo: Did Sammy get flat?
Me: Yes, I think so.
Mateo: Did they put Sammy in the garbage?
Me, after some thought: No, they buried him in the ground.

I'm not sure what is more disturbing--an adult picturing a dead dog in the garbage or a toddler picturing a dead dog buried in the ground somewhere.


Something big happened in our house this month. It's something that Troy has been dreaming about since we first got married. Before you start to really wonder, I'll break the suspense...we got satellite. Troy has had time to enjoy it. Student teaching was done at the end of March so now he is at home every day with no major responsibilities. I, on the other hand, have been unexpectedly swamped with things at school and have had very little time to watch tv. To put it in perspective, we've had satellite for almost a month, and I don't know what channel The Food Network is on. So tonight, I have a rare hour to myself (which must mean that I'm not at a meeting somewhere) while Troy gives Mateo a bath. It only took me about five minutes to scroll through all of the channels to find where The Food Network was. I hate having so many channels most of which I will never watch. Then, once I found TFN and started watching a new show I was interested in, the channel automatically changed because Troy apparently preset the tv to record an Adam Sandler movie. So due to the fact that I haven't had my 8 hour satellite tutorial on how to watch a separate show apart from the one being recorded, I am now catching up on my blog and looking at Adam Sandler with a bad perm and beard listening to him talk in a weird accent. I have no clue what is going on, with the movie or the satellite. It's all too complicated for a girl who grew up reading the newspaper summaries of tv shows to keep up with pop culture because she didn't have a tv. True story.