Sunday, September 14, 2008

I Heard it Through the Grapevine

This afternoon I decided to start crocheting an afghan to be given as a gift. I haven't crocheted anything since Mateo was born. Of course, he was very interested in what I was doing and wanted to help. His job was to pull the yarn out of the skein as I crocheted.

It didn't take me too long before I had finished the whole skein. I held up the part of the afghan I had completed, and Mateo was impressed. "Cool! It's a blanket! It's not a raisin anymore."

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Short and Sweet

Marie (friend of mine) to Mateo [wearing the shirt pictured]: Mateo, what does your shirt say?

Mateo: My shirt doesn't talk.


Shout out to my dear friend Dan Holdridge on this 7th anniversary of 9/11. Troy, Eno, Jill, and I toured the Pentagon with Dan who was our personal tour guide two weeks before the attacks. Life, as we knew it, changed on 9/11, and we pray for all those who lived to share their stories and for the families who lost their loved ones on that day.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Wouldn't It Be Nice?

Wouldn't it be nice if...

...I could be a morning person and get out of bed when my alarm rings the first time?
...I didn't have to settle for a couple of spoonfuls of mint chocolate chip icecream instead of a great big bowl of it so I won't get sick? fifth hour class could be as quiet as my other classes?
...there were no slugs waiting to latch on to my cucumber plants? eeeww!
...leaves turning color weren't a sign of winter coming?
...Seattle were closer to Bagley and I could see my sister more?
...wearing heels all day didn't make my feet hurt?
...there was a political party that meshed all of my beliefs/values so I could vote without compromise?
...people at the RNC were banned from wearing ridiculous hats? It's a convention not a circus.
...Campbell Brown (CNN) brought more than one pair of shoes to the Democratic and Republican National Conventions, so I wouldn't have to wonder why a woman in her position keeps wearing the same pair of open-toed black pumps?!