Thursday, June 4, 2009

Follow Up Blog to Previous Blog

Tuesday 6/2
Mateo to Mom: I am making you happy so much.

Wednesday 6/3
Mateo to Mom: I am making you prouder and prouder of me.

Two separate responses said after using the potty.

First Week of "Vacation"

Another year of school was officially over on Friday. I said goodbye to my students who were ever-so-sad to start vacation. Yeah right. What they don't realize is that teachers probably look forward to it more! Then Troy, Mateo and I enjoyed a pleasant weekend with just enough grad parties to appreciate all the delectable options but not too many to feel overwhelmed. We also got to enjoy some time with friends on Sunday and Mateo caught his first fish.

Then Monday came. The first official day of vacation. Ah! Relaxing. Enjoying warm weather. Right? No to both. This week has been crazy! I actually found myself thinking that if I was "working" things would be a lot less hectic. Here's what has been going on in the Reynolds' household this week: Troy started teaching driver's training in the mornings and then has driving time with students in the afternoon, 3 dentist appointments, 3 chiropractor appointments, 1 doctor appointment, 1 job interview (Troy), cleaning closets and other nooks and crannies for a garage sale on Friday, and oh yes, did I mention potty training? Yesterday I was seriously wondering about my sanity.

You may be thinking that it's the potty training that has me stressed out. But it's been the garage sale stuff! That is a lot of work! I better turn at least a little profit to make this worth it. Intrinsic rewards aren't going to cut it.

So how's the potty training going? far! (And I hope hope hope that I'm not jinxing things by blogging about it.) My son has been adamantly against anything to do with an activity that hindered him from peeing or pooping in his diaper. Prior to the official training, he only used the potty about 5 times. I am not underexaggerating. This kid did not want to train. So Monday rolls around and I make him wear underwear. Long story short, he realized Monday night what it means to use the potty so his underwear doesn't get wet, and it has been very smooth sailing since. I am still in shock and am hoping that it continues.

If by the end of the week I have managed to clean out my closets (made a little extra money) and have a potty trained child, I'd say I get to take the rest of the summer off. Well, except for the two weeks of summer school I'll be teaching starting next week. And I can guarantee it will be a lot more relaxing.